The digital revolution is on it's way.
Confronted to these challenges, we are creative.

The world is changing. Behaviours are changing. Work is changing.

For each company, a successful design of workspaces contributes to the well-being of employees and reveals an overall state of mind that promotes motivation and performance.
ALMA mobilizes a team of project managers to support architects, space planners, planners, prescribers and companies in their office development project, co-working spaces, teleworking, home office, meeting rooms, office spaces and welcome aereas.

So many spaces requiring specific furniture solutions responding to current trends such as ergonomics (with height-adjustable tables), flex office (with smart workstations and storage), acoustics and the office today where you feel at home.

With its library of documentation and samples, ALMA allows you to consult, on site, brochures and technical documents from all design brands.

Address : ZA Weiergewan, 20 Rue Edmond Reuter, L-5326 CONTERN

Phone : (+352) 35 87 87-1

Email :

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